Introduction to Activity Log
- Program Onboarding Tasks
Complete Student Partner Academy Training
Join the WileyPLUS Studio
Student Partner Tools and Resources
- Research, Planning and Prep Tasks
Email Wiley Account Manager
Find Course Schedule
Email Lead Instructor
Check Bookstore for Packages / Pricing
- First Day of Class
Lead FDOC Presentations
Log First Day of Class Presentations
Distribute & Personalize Student Partner Flyer
Provide the Recording of FDOC Presentation
Hold Office Hours
Log Office Hours
WileyPLUS Student Partner Activity Log
The purpose of this checklist style course is to help track your WileyPLUS Student Partner activities to ensure that all of the required tasks are being completed so that you receive payment for your work as a WileyPLUS Student Partner. There are four primary tasks that need to be completed by 2/1/2018. You are welcome to complete the tasks in each of the below sections in any order you would like. Please only answer Yes if you have completed the task.
- Program Onboarding
- Research, Planning, and Prep
- First Day of Class
- Supporting the Course Remainder of Term
This Activity Log was created to help YOU! Please use it as a resource to track your progress through the program. And of course, if you have any question on the Activity Log or any of the tasks within the log, please let us know! We're happy to help in any way we can and are so excited to have you on the WileyStudent Partner team!